the 4 secrets hackers don't want you to know about wireless networks

You're definitely using a wireless access point with an encrypted password to be safe browsing and navigating the world of the internet , right ?
If you don't think you're safe ,you're still vulnerable to attack.

1. WEB encryption is useless to protect your wireless network . it gives users a false sense of security.


Even experienced hackers can decrypt and get a password in minutes for WEP wireless networks, making them essentially useless as protective mechanism. Newer and stronger encryption as WPA2.

updating your router to WPA2 is a fairly simple process.

2. MAC address to prevent unauthorized devices from accessing your network, ineffective and easily hackable! 

Each piece of IP-based device, as a computer, router, printer, etc., has a unique MAC address. Many routers allow you to enable or access the network based on the MAC address of the device. The wireless router checks the MAC address of the device that requests access to the network and compares it to the addresses allowed in its list or mac is rejected. Of course this method looks like a large security mechanism, but the problem is that hackers and hackers can "simulate" or place a fake MAC address that corresponds to one of the allowed addresses. All you have to do is use a program to pick up wireless packets (sniffing) about wireless traffic and see what MAC addresses that cross the network. They can then select your MAC address to match it with one of the addresses allowed to join the network.

3. Disabling remote-oriented management feature, is a very effective measure to prevent hackers from taking over your wireless network.


Many wireless routers allow you to manage the router over any wireless connection remotely. This means that you can access all security settings from routers and other settings without being on a computer connected to the router using an Ethernet cable. Of course this method is convenient for the user to be able to manage the router remotely, but in return this feature provides another entrance for hackers to get security settings and change them according to their whims.Of course this feature is very dangerous because many people do not change the passwords of the default administrator of the router Wireless. I recommend that you block this feature (if possible) in your router and make it only for the person who is physically connected to the network.

4. The importance of VPN if you use public wireless hotspots which are an easy target for attacks!


Hackers can use tools such as Firesheep and AirJack to carry out attacks via wireless transmission points and receivers. They can also use tools such as SSLstrip to get the passwords you use even in the "secure" sites you visit. So I recommend using a VPN service to protect all traffic when using public Wi-Fi networks, because VPN provides an additional layer of security that is extremely difficult to penetrate.

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